Nortes Verse Beat Down Wiki


Name: The Completionist/The Circle of Assassins

Stage Name: The Circle

Age: Varies

Species: Varies

Gender: Varies

Nationality: Unknown

Credit: Nortes

Rival: Nis

Home Stage: Show Stage




Attack: Matterhorn's Sword[]

Matterhorn will swing his blade at his opponent.

Forward Attack: Fake Mask's Fist[]

Fake Mask will lunge forward, punching his opponent.

Backward Attack: Striker's Bulletstorm[]

Striker will roll backwards and unleash his bullet fury.

Upward Attack: Skull's Sniper[]

Skull jumps into the air and fires at the ground with his sniper.

Downward Attack: Night's Snake[]

Night throws her snake at her opponent.

Grab Attack: Zeinwolfe's Execution[]

Zeinwolfe grabs his opponent and shoots them in the head.

Finisher: Burning Coffin[]

The Completionist grabs his opponent and throws them into a coffin. He then pulls out a match and lights it on fire.

Alternate Costumes[]


The Circle dress as stereotypes to blend in.

The Completionist takes the role of Old Man.

Matterhorn takes the role of Punk.

Fake Mask takes the role of Actor.

Striker takes the role of Decorated Soldier.

Skull takes the role of Heavy Metal.

Night takes the role of Magician.

Zeinwolfe takes the role of Executioner.







Circle Symbol Ring[]
